SHare your story
We look forward to seeing all videos for Our Stories Are Your Stories. In June, we will package all video files received and submit for accession to the Wing Luke Museum’s oral history files.
You will need a digital recording device to record your video on. Here are some examples of acceptable recording devices: iPhone or Android with camera, digital camera, iPad, laptop, GoPro, etc. Record your video in 1080p HD if possible.
Choose a quiet space in your house where there won’t be any distracting noises (dog barking, alarms or sirens, conversations, TV, etc)
This can be as simple as sitting near a window to help bring in natural lighting. You may also choose to use a ring light if you have one available.
You will need this if you are self-recording your videos with a mobile device or digital camera. If you do not have a tripod, you may need to ask another person to assist in holding the device as you record your story.
Most current mobile and laptop devices can pick up your audio pretty well without a microphone as long as you are close enough to the device. Remember to speak clearly. But if you do have access to a microphone, it is encouraged to use it if possible. Either way, double check the audio after recording before submitting your video.
To help you keep on track with your story it may be helpful to have an outline or script nearby for reference. Keep it as close to camera as possible to avoid looking down or too far.
Use the primary camera
The forward-facing camera produces better video quality than the selfie camera on most smartphones.
always record horizontally
Have your face centered in frame and set the camera up to shoulder height. For best results, use a tripod or place your camera or iPhone on a level and stable surface.
Introduction: “I’m (your name). I’m (your AAPNHPI identity).” e.g., “ I’m Mary Ikeda. I’m Japanese American.
What has made you proud to be AANHPI?
What assumptions do people make about your identity that you feel are incorrect or misguided?
When it comes to representation, what are some things that most people aren’t aware of?
What is a story that’s been passed down through your family that you’re proud of?
What is a story that’s been passed down that is a painful one?
What do you want the next generations of your family to remember and know?
What traditions do you value most?
Closing: “I am (your name). I am (your AANHPI identity). My Story is Our Story.”

Record your video in 1080p HD if possible. Check your camera settings.
Videos clips should be 100% family friendly for maximum social media coverage and submission to the Wing Luke Museum oral history archives.
Make sure there are no recognizable logos, artwork, or other trademarked/copyrighted material in the background this applies for clothing as well.
Review your video. Feel free to try as many takes as you like until you are happy with the video!
Download and fill out the Content Release Form
Submit your completed form and video files to this email address: videos@ourstoriesareyourstories.com. The Wing Luke Museum will review and approve your video. They will get in touch with you and if there is additional information required. When sending large files, you may need to use a file sharing service such as Google Drive, iCloud, SharePoint, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc.
“Our Oral History Program documents, preserves, and shares first-person stories from those who often get overlooked—missing voices in our community’s history. Whether a life story told over many tales, or a single chapter focused on a particular event or topic, oral histories are the building blocks for a richer, fuller view of the past... and by making our Oral History Lab available as a community resource, we empower people to tell their own stories, and preserve them as primary sources for future researchers. Our collection of oral history transcripts is available at the Governor Gary Locke Library and Community Heritage Center.”
The Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience website

After making your video, post on social media with your own personal caption and be sure to tag #OSAYS, @OurStoriesAreYourStories (or @OSAYS_AANHPI if you’re on Twitter), and @winglukemuseum.
Please also include “My story is our story.What’s yours? #OSAYS” at the end of the post copy. You may include #OSAYS and any other hashtags that you’d like such as #AANHPIHM, and #AANHPI
We have included video examples for inspiration, or you can see our videos gallery. We’ve provided these as different ways to tell your story, from an interview to a voiceover.